There is a 6th-8th grade dance this Friday from 4:00-5:30 in the JR/SR High commons. Tickets are $3. Dress clothes are encouraged, but not required. Please contact with any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Scott Morey
Our 5th grade students preparing for and working hard on a history test. Go Bulldogs!
almost 5 years ago, Kile Charnes
Elementary Grades K-3: Reading Tutoring Tutoring begins next week. If your child was invited and you haven't returned your slip, please do so by Monday. Thank You, have a great weekend!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Spencer
K-3 Grades After school, Reading Tutoring: Last week tutoring slips went home inviting students to join the after school tutoring program. If your child was invited, please return slips this week so we can save a spot for them. Thank You-Have a great day!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Spencer
This weeks Athletic Schedule: Monday - JV/V Girls Basketball @ Marion at 6pm. JH Girls Basketball @ Brethren at 5:30 pm. Tuesday - Boys JV/V Basketball home vs Walkerville. Wednesday - JH GBB at Bear Lake. This game has been changed to a 4:45 start time. Bear Lake will only have one team of 6/7th graders so therefore we will only play one game that night. Thursday - JV/V Boys Basketball at Baldwin at 6pm. Friday - Girls JV/V Basketball home vs Pentwater. We hope to see you all at the game! Have a great week!
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Duby
Tonight's JV Girls Basketball Game vs Baldwin has been cancelled. We are looking to reschedule this game and will try to announce a date on Monday! Also, Sunday morning basketball open gym from 10 am - 12 pm has been cancelled. Have a great weekend!
about 5 years ago, Kyle Duby
Who knew moon phases could taste so good? First graders just completed their Astronomy unit in reading so we incorporated a fun activity to celebrate.
about 5 years ago, S. MacEachern
Waiting patiently
Good morning, due to poor road conditions Mesick Consolidated Schools will be closed today, Friday. January 10. Again, due to poor road conditions Mesick Consolidated Schools will be closed today, Friday, January 10.
about 5 years ago, Mesick Consolidated Schools
First Graders have goals! We talked about New Years Resolutions and creating positive goals for ourselves all year long
about 5 years ago, S. MacEachern
MacEachern’s first graders
The end of first semester is next Friday January 17th. Please take a moment to check power school with your student and make sure they complete any missing work before then. High school students will have exams next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and the schedule is attached. Please encourage your students to study for exams. The JR High does not give final exams but will be working on end of semester activities and wrapping up their units of study. Please remember that Friday the 17th is a 1/2 day for all students.
about 5 years ago, Sharren Williamson
Semester Exam Schedule
Attention Mesick High School Seniors and Parents! Senior pictures, baby pictures, and quotes are due Wednesday, January 15. They will be included in the yearbook and the graduation slideshow. Please email .jpeg files and your quote to
about 5 years ago, Angie Elliott
MSBOA District 1 Honors Band today in Shelby...with students from Mesick Junior High participating all day in rehearsals and performance at 7pm tonight.
about 5 years ago, Mesick Bulldog Bands
Honors Band
Honors Band
Ski Club starts tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7, 2020. JR/SR High students are required to turn their money into the office, and sign up, by 2 PM on Monday's, each week, with the following information on their envelope: Name and whatever they will need; lift ticket, rental skis, rental snow board, bus, etc.... Please try to bring the correct amount if possible.
about 5 years ago, Sharren Williamson
Good Morning, Stephanie’s bus, bus #7 is having a mechanical issue. Stephanie’s bus, bus #7 will be 45 minutes to 1 hour late this morning, Friday, January 3.
about 5 years ago, Mesick Consolidated Schools
Hello Mesick Families! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break! Just a reminder that we will be returning to school tomorrow, Thursday, January 2! We will have normal start and end times on Thursday and Friday! Have a great evening, I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
about 5 years ago, Mesick Consolidated Schools
Some of today’s bike raffle winners. Great job Bulldogs!
about 5 years ago, Kile Charnes
Today we had our cookie decorating party! We were so happy so many students were able to attend. Thanks to the ladies in the kitchen and all the staff for making this happen.
about 5 years ago, Kile Charnes
The Winter Sports Spirit Wear has arrived. It will be available for pickup tomorrow evening with Mrs. Akom in the high school commons from 6 - 7 pm. If you placed an order and would like your child to pick it up, please email Coach Duby at and he will deliver it tomorrow during the day. Thank you to everyone that placed an order!
about 5 years ago, Kyle Duby
The elementary staff had the holiday spirit today!
about 5 years ago, Kile Charnes
Just to get everyone back up to speed, we have some exciting Athletic Announcements for you! Last week Joey Stewart was selected to the 8 Man Football AP All State Honorable Mention team. Joey was also a first team selection for the WMD Conference and selected to the Cadillac News Dream Team. Congrats Joey! Also, the girls JV/V basketball teams swept the competition last week earning wins at home vs Brethren and Bear Lake. The girls will host Manistee Catholic Central this Wednesday starting at 6 pm. The Varsity girls are now 2-1 in the WMD Conference. They boys basketball team currently sits at 0-1 in the WMD after falling to Crossroads on Thursday. The boys hope to get on track tonight vs Brethren at 6pm in Mesick. During tonight's game, there will be a Chili Cook Off hosted by the Mesick Athletic Boosters. The boys will also play at Bear Lake on Thursday. This game was originally scheduled to take place in Mesick so adjust accordingly! Hope to see everyone out the next couple of nights for some hometown hoops and delicious chili!
about 5 years ago, Kyle Duby