White Bulldog

Update January 2, 2021

Good Evening Mesick Families,  

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! I am very excited about seeing everyone again this Monday, January 4!

We look forward to our high school students (9th-12th) rejoining our K-8th grade students for in-person instruction on Monday, January 4, 2021.

Please remember that if your student displays any of the symptoms listed below or has had close contact with a person diagnosed with Covid 19 please keep them at home.  We all have worked really hard to keep Mesick students learning in-person.  

Watch for symptoms of COVID-19 illness, which are; 

  •  fever or chills

  • cough 

  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 

  • fatigue 

  • muscle or body aches 

  • headache

  • new loss of taste or smell

  • sore throat

  • congestion or runny nose

  • nausea or vomiting 

  • diarrhea


We ask that you continue to work with us to keep our students, family members, and our community healthy. I want to thank you for your continued support and patience as we continue to navigate these unchartered waters.  

Blessed to be a Bulldog, 

Scott Akom