November 4, 2020
Dear Mesick Families,
You may have heard news reports about the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Epidemic Order issued last week expanding precautionary COVID measures and moving our region to Phase 4. We have asked our local health department and legal counsel for clarification surrounding the impact on our schools. We continue to work with educational leaders and stakeholders within local and state governments as well as experts in the health field to adopt policies for our school district that prioritizes the safety of our students and staff, as well as their families for the 2020-21 school year.
Based on legal opinion and the opinion of our Health Department, we will be adjusting our current plan to reflect the new requirements for all schools in the state of Michigan. All Mesick students must wear a mask at school. We will provide our K-5 students frequent mask breaks throughout the day keeping our students in cohorts and minimizing the risk of exposure. We will be following safety recommendations in consultation with the District Health Department #10. We ask that you respectfully continue partnering with us in finding the balance in providing a safe learning environment and educating all of our students during this health crisis.
If you have any questions as we work through challenges during these extraordinary times, please feel free to contact me via email or by phone (231) 885-1200.
Scott Akom
Mesick Consolidated Schools